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- Pinnate: a compound leaf having leaflets arranged on each side of a common central axis; featherlike.
- Pistil: the female organ of a flower, composed of ovary, style and stigma.
- Raceme: a simple, elongated inflorescence with each flower on a pedicle that is more or less equal in length.
- Ray flower: the strap-like united petals of one type of flower in a sunflower inflorescence. Generally found around the perimeter of the head.
- Reflexed: abruptly turned or bent backward.
- Rhizome: creeping underground stem that produces leaves or new plants on the upper side and roots of the lower.
- Scape: leafless stalk arising from ground level which supports the inflorescence.
- Sepal: a member of the outer whorl of flower parts, typically green and leafy in texture.
- Shrub: woody plant that remains low and usually produces several stems from the base.
- Spatulate: like a spatula; a leaf blade with a rounded outer section that gradually tapers to the base.
- Spike: an elongated inflorescence with flowers attached directly to the axis or central flowering stalk. Flowers lack pedicels.
- Spur: a hollow, sac-like extension at the base of petal or sepal.
- Stamen: the male or pollen-producing organ of a flower, consisting of an anther and filament, which is situated between the petals and the carpels.
- Stigma: the receptive part of the pistil on which the pollen germinates.
- Style: the contracted portion of the pistil between the ovary and stigma.
- Succulent: having juicy tissues, as most cacti.
- Tepals: petals and sepals that appear more or less alike, as in certain genera of the lily family.
- Trilobed: having three lobes.
- Umbel: a flat or rounded flower cluster in which the short stalks arise from a common point, like the rays of an umbrella.
- Whorl: a ring of three or more similar organs radiating from a common point.
- Wing: the lateral petal of a pea flower.